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What does innovation have in common with theology? More than you might think.
Both are ways people attempt to make sense. Both have to do with value and knowledge creation. Both have much to say about change and how we respond to it (or not). And both affect human culture and physical realities with implications for generations to come.
A Primer on Innovation Theology explores the territory where innovating and theology intersect. At this intersection, the Primer pours a theological foundation for innovators who aim to create new value for the common good, realize sustainable more than acquisitive value, and pursue generous and just relationships more than merely transactional ones.
Adapted from the larger, original volume Innovation Theology: A Biblical Inquiry and Exploration, the Primer is intended for lay audiences, especially innovators, intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and investors who are theologically curious about their own roles and responsibilities.
Change is unrelenting. How we choose to respond can insolate, insulate or innovate. If we choose to innovate, we will try to create new value for others. The nature of our success and failure may reveal whether we are innovating in the company of God–where the plumb lines of God may be more important than the bottom lines of our efforts.
For thirty-five years Lanny Vincent has been facilitating invention and foresight with Fortune 500 companies seeking to innovate. Formerly a Presbyterian Pastor in the South and Midwest, Lanny continues to believe it is easier to make sense of change and innovate with the inspired content of the biblical canon, even from his garage in the San Francisco Bay Area.